QuickMatch Generator
Ladder Overview
The Battle for Middle-earth 1vs1 ~ 2019
The Battle for Middle-earth 2vs2 ~ 2019
The Battle for Middle-earth 3vs3 ~ 2019

T3A:Online is a custom online server for the Battle for Middle-earth series. It allows you to log in through the game's online interface and play against your friends and foes. Make sure to try it out, it's free!

In cooperation with

QuickMatch Draws

The host is always the first name and printed in bold, whereas the randomized map (out the QM map pool) is next to the "submitted" timestamp and each army follows the players name as in Player (Army). To get ranked report your match.

Ladder Admin [Guard]OrangeTotal players81
Ladder started01 Jan 2019Total matches1105

  • 04 May 2020: L1mit3d^ & RP0 defeated BoogyMan & Isildur
  • 04 May 2020: L1mit3d^ & RP0 defeated BoogyMan & Isildur

This quickmatch simulation ladder is bridging the gap while the T3A:Online team works on implementing in-game stats and an automatic ladder. Type in your nicknames, press Draw, play the generated matchup, and report it. Once reported, our staff will adjust your ladder ranking.

~ The Battle for Middle-earth 2vs2 ~ 2019 ~

1 Leadership Medal: Took 1st place L1mit3d^ 174/108 1463 Active
2 Leadership Medal: Took 1st place SquatsnOats 162/101 1399 Active
3 Active Player: 300 Matches played Anon` 169/205 1292 Active
4 Active Player: 75 Matches played RP0 42/41 1280 Active
5 Leadership Medal: Took 1st place Mera 145/92 1273 Active
6 Leadership Medal: Took 1st place Isildur 113/86 1271 Active
7 Winning Streak: 5 Wins 2vs2 gahvin 27/18 1192 Active
8 Winning Streak: 5 Wins 2vs2 BLAST 44/46 1187 Active
9 Winning Streak: 5 Wins 2vs2 Karuskas 66/56 1171 Active
10 Winning Streak: 5 Wins 2vs2 yesil 50/57 1158 Active
11 Active Player: 25 Matches played LATINO 17/14 1130 Active
12 Winning Streak: 5 Wins 2vs2 Yoshi 19/21 1067 Active
13 HASHIMOTO 12/9 1053 Active
14 Active Player: 25 Matches played Fishy 19/20 1024 Active
15 ShaNKS' 5/5 1014 Active
16 Active Player: 75 Matches played Yulivee 42/45 1013 Active
17 Active Player: 10 Matches played Sadixov 8/9 1012 Active
18 Ganjaman 15/23 1008 Active
19 BlackMagic 2/5 992 Active
20 Winning Streak: 5 Wins 2vs2 Omran 48/55 992 Active
21 Dexter 1/4 968 Active
22 Winning Streak: 10 Wins 2vs2 MERG1N 49/81 962 Active
23 MaNiA 0/5 958 Active
24 Winning Streak: 5 Wins 2vs2 zinger 75/99 947 Active
25 R3sh0' 0/5 931 Active
26 Active Player: 25 Matches played Pharaon 9/22 924 Active
27 HungryHorse 2/14 914 Active
28 Hungryh0rse 3/16 860 Active
29 Active Player: 10 Matches played PvtCowboy 3/15 858 Active
30 Winning Streak: 5 Wins 2vs2 Myth 70/132 846 Active
31 Carl Johnson 94/42 3305 New
32 CatasnMid 64/64 3184 New
33 IamDone 37/31 3156 New
34 Leadership Medal: Took 1st place ABD 27/18 3141 New
35 Squats 58/39 3097 New
36 AkaGami 6/1 3068 New
37 JohnWeak 14/15 3054 New
38 Bobromil 6/4 3043 New
39 Robot 2/0 3033 New
40 Pallari 2/0 3029 New
41 Big Smoke 20/27 3017 New
42 Rigged 22/29 3017 New
43 Chrobry 2/2 3001 New
44 JackMark 0/1 2982 New
45 kermit 0/2 2978 New
46 Turk 11/13 2972 New
47 PASTOR 19/22 2969 New
48 Egypt 22/33 2955 New
49 SadSatan 1/5 2944 New
50 CEF 2/7 2930 New
51 DeBruyne 11/25 2906 New
52 Franklin 21/41 2866 New
53 TheHound 6/22 2844 New
54 Leadership Medal: Took 1st place Bwel 123/74 1349 New
55 M4r4 3/0 1052 New
56 kslt 2/0 1043 New
57 Dunedain` 1/1 1035 New
58 Neme 2/1 1025 New
59 NoLdoR 2/2 1018 New
60 FishyV2.0 1/0 1016 New
61 Winter 1/0 1010 New
62 Svago 1/2 1002 New
63 Aquaman 0/0 1000 New
64 TheBigO 0/0 1000 New
65 Corazon 0/1 999 New
66 HungryTroll 0/1 991 New
67 Talhaa 1/2 991 New
68 Nidza 0/2 985 New
69 InfinityEdge 0/1 985 New
70 plqa 0/1 981 New
71 Bangi 0/1 980 New
72 BoogyMan 1/3 980 New
73 MARJE 1/2 979 New
74 Zsun 0/2 977 New
75 Valium 0/2 977 New
76 Lord Master Sam 0/1 975 New
77 Bulkster 0/3 963 New
78 Unikorn 0/3 959 New
79 TheTower 0/2 957 New
80 necromancer 0/4 944 New
81 No_Doubt 0/4 944 New

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© 2016 Revora Association